2020 is a very special year for us all. New, creative solutions had to be found for many things that we took for granted everyday. Since normal charity runs were also not possible due to the Corona pandemic, we at Abasha came up with the idea of a digital charity run.
After a short but intensive time, we finally launched our unique charity run on 14 July 2020: The Munich to Kabul Challenge. What is so special about it? The Challenge took place digitally on the Umbali platform. It could not have worked better: Within two months we wanted to cover 6835 kilometres – in the end we covered even more than 8800 kilometres!
On our route from Munich to Kabul we passed numerous historical and important cities: Zagreb, Belgrade, Sofia, Istanbul, Trabzon, Tabriz, Isfahan and many more. On our social media channels we took you along on our journey – and learned to admire the views and stories even from a distance.
We would like to thank all 45 registered participants so much for this success! In total, over 300 activities (that’s over 20 per day!) were tracked during the challenge – be it running, cycling or walking: All participants were busy on the move and thus contributed to our donation route. Special thanks to Kay Tuchen, who started his own fundraising campaign for his birthday on Facebook in response to our charity run.
Together we have managed to raise a generous amount of money for our partner project “Drop and Ride” and to draw public attention to the problems that unfortunately still exist in Kabul.
For Abasha, this campaign was a complete success on several levels: Not only do the donations make it a lot easier for us to work with our new project in 2021, but we also received noticeably more attention for Abasha through our website and social media and were thus able to send a great signal to our partner project Drop and Ride in Kabul. The members of Drop and Ride also say THANK YOU to all participants of the Munich to Kabul Challenge 2020.