Abasha was founded in February 2019 as a non-profit association based in Germany. Our goal is the promotion of free access to education and sports for children and youth from difficult backgrounds. For this, we don’t want to dictate our ideas, but rather help local people implement their own projects.
In Zulu, a South African tribe language, “Abasha” means “youth”. The slogan “Move. Learn. Create” represents positive change through sport and education. Abasha was born out of a European support initiative for the Drop and Ride project in Afghanistan. The resulting network and knowledge of the cooperation, which started in 2016, will be used by Abasha for the support of further young projects in difficult circumstances.
What we do
Abasha supports international education and sports projects, initiated by the local youth. The projects should focus on providing children and young people from difficult backgrounds with access to sport and education. Abasha also supports initiatives that are only active in the field of either sport or education. We see great potential especially in the combination of education and sport to bring together children and young people from different backgrounds in a single program and thus facilitate social exchange. Trough the programs, new social, athletic and professional perspectives can be offered for the participants. In our project work, we emphasize equal rights of women and men and the associated transmission of values like democracy, participation and conflict prevention.
We will support already existing projects, which in the best case are initiated by the local population itself. We will support initiatives that improve the situation of disadvantaged population groups, for example through access to sports and educational opportunities. Following the guiding principle “help for self-help”, we enable the young initiatives to develop to a sustainable project structure. This is achieved through mentoring, financial assistance and networking with possible long-term sponsors. The goal of all cooperation is that supported projects can operate sustainably and are able to finance their operation by themselves in the long term.
How we finance Abasha
As we are a non-profit association financing of the projects is achieved through a combination of private donations, company sponsoring and public funding. We ensure the efficient use of all funds in the local context. Since the funds are intended for use in the project countries, administrative costs in Germany are reduced to an absolute minimum. Everyone at Abasha contributes on a voluntary basis.
The use of funds aims for a long-term benefit. Funds are used to support initiatives in building stable project structures. Framework conditions, which enable the projects to be run sustainably and independently, will be created.